
CADE discussed State Action Doctrine and the limits to its competence

During the judgement of the case involving Public Transportation Services (Processo Administrativo no 08012.004989/2003-54), at Section 473 held last week, CADE has discussed the limits of its competence when analysizing public services and regulated markets.

Although no evidence of the abuse was found and the case was shelved as SDE's opinion recomended, Comissioner Cesar Mattos had changed the basis for shelving only to the lack of proof of abuse.

Because the case involved abuse of dominance in regulated markets of public services, SDE had based its opinion on the lack of CADE's Competence to analyse the abuse, once the market was fully regulated and monitored by São Paulo Municipality. Commissioner Mattos disagreed with the opinion, stating that whenever there is abuse, CADE can scrutinize and punish, even in regulated markets.

He was followed by the others Commissioners that proposed a deeper discussion of CADE's role in public services market, once it is limited to the competiton advocacy regarding the formation of bid's editals and the merger analysis of the winners may not be the best way to act.

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